7 IoT Influencers You Must Follow in 2019

7 IoT Influencers You Must Follow in 2019

7 IoT Influencers You Must Follow in 2019

The Internet of Things (IoT) is undoubtedly one of the most powerful, transformative force that is providing an exceptional advantage to the businesses in the physical as well as in the digital world. With the high explosion of data and brilliant prediction about the proliferation of all the connected things that vary from 20 to 50 billion devices by 2020, IoT is revolutionizing the digital world.

Across every businesses and industry, IoT is creating a dynamic impact making advancements towards Smart Applications, the Augmented Reality (AR) and the seamless Virtual Reality (VR). With the influx of sensors, the companies can now collect and exchange the data and maintain the integration with ease. We are presenting you with seven most influential IoT experts whom you must follow in 2019 to excavate more about this concept and its successful integration, worldwide.


  1. Tom Raftery

Tom is not just the Global VP at SAP, he is also a Futurist and IoT Evangelist. His website consists of articles based on IoT which includes topics covering the predictive maintenance, healthcare with IoT, cars being connected with IoT, artificial intelligence and SAP Leonardo. You can follow him on Twitter to know more about IoT services news.


  1. Stacey Higginbotham

Specialized in the topics such as IoT, artificial intelligence, machine learning and the semiconductors, this is what Stacey Higginbotham all about. You can follow her on Twitter to excavate more about her curated newsletter, her publications such as Gigaom, PC Mag and Fortune. Well, she is the founder of the Internet of Things podcast too, where she discusses on topics such as blockchain, predictions of IoT, chips and the smart homes.


  1. Andy Stanford-Clark

A distinguished engineer and a Master Inventor and IoT Evangelist at IBM, Andy is a specialist in the technologies that are making the planet smarter to live in. he analyzes the data and its reactions from the remote sensors. His majority of the patents are from small devices that are sending messages to other devices. Follow him on Twitter now to know more about him.

  1. Sarah Cooper

Sarah Cooper is the Vice Chair of the Internet of Things Community and General Manager of IoT Solutions and Amazon Web Services. While holding six patents that includes an IoT medical battery which can run on body temperature, she is making a magnificent contribution to the IoT industry. Topics such as semiconductors, consumer wearables and food tech, Sarah has incredible knowledge on all of these. Follow her on her Twitter account now!


  1. Johan den Haan

Follow Johan on Twitter as he is Mendix’s Chief Technology Officer leading the technical strategic department. He is a speaker about technological events and a renowned blogger covering topics such as IoT, Smart Applications, PaaS and many more. His contribution to the field of IoT is not negligible at all.


  1. David Stephenson

David is a strategist of Internet of Things and a successful writer, with a certain focus on the “smart aging” concept, using the combination of the wearable devices and the smart home devices that are allowing the seniors to “age in place” with their prime dignity, improved health coverage and of course in lower expenses. He lately has written a guide that is introducing C-level executives at the leading companies to profitable IoT strategies. His recent book med as “Data Dynamite” is all about how real-time delivery with automation of the structured data can be simultaneously improving the workers’ ability for letting them do their jobs. Time to follow him on Twitter to know more about his contribution.


  1. David Blaza

At Informa Power, David is the managing director. He has a great passion and enthusiasm for bringing the newest technology to the market, especially when it comes to the IoT space. Follow him on his personal Twitter account to know about his blogs that consists of ingenious topics on IoT and energy sections, their reality and the myths associated with it.


Being an Best IoT company, you must follow these top IoT influencers to know more about the technology and excavate new ways to make such applications that can benefit your customers always.

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